Science Teacher
I graduated from High School in 1995 from Caprock High School in Amarillo Tx,
and then continued my eduation in Goodwell Oklahoma, graduating from OPSU in 2004.
I have a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry, with a post back in Education, emphasis on Science. I am certified to teach Science 8th to 12th grade.
I have attended professional development in areas of Biology, chemistry and Physics for the last 15 years, I have taught Internationally for two years and can speak basic Spanish. I am now certified in ESL training.
I am engaged, and have two children, one in College and the other fixing to be in my Biology Class next year. We have two dogs and a cat. :]
I love to make soap and lotion, bath bombs and learn about the body, primarly skin care. I love treating my self to facials and fun things like that on the weekend! It’s fun to be a girl!